Dec 14, 2011

First Anniversary in the Windy City

Last Sunday was our first anniversary.  To celebrate, we skipped town Saturday morning and set our GPS  (which we have affectionately named Pam) for the Windy City.

See how excited Kenny is?

There are many benefits of having an anniversary in December:

a) On landmark anniversaries, you can ditch the Indiana weather for the tropics.
      NOTE: Illinois weather isn't much better.
b) While the season of Christmas parties and concerts drones on, we have a valid excuse to RSVP "No".
c) As if Christmas lighting wasn't romantic enough already?!
d) Cold weather = Mandatory closeness (for survival!)

So, given all of these reasons and our desperate need to get away, we had a terrific time.  Here are our highlights:

1) Shedd Aquarium
Sitting elegantly on the shoreline of Lake Michigan, this aquarium featured all of my favorite sea animals.  And I have a new life goal: to have a pet sea lion.

I kissed a fish and I liked it...

Intensely checking out the coral

What's an outing without a silly hat picture?

2) Signature Room on the 95th
I enjoyed the best burger of my life while observing the city from 95 floors above in the John Hancock Building.  Plus, the decor was gorgeous!

View from our table

3) Shopping
Sadly, neither Kenny nor I bought a thing while in Chicago.  Apparently we just weren't in the mood.  But the hand holding, people watching, and photographing was phenomenal.

You've been paparazzied!

While walking through Express, I was obnoxiously taking pictures..
Kenny wasn't embarrassed at all.

So cute!  Based on the redness of his nose, you can tell
how frigid it was Saturday.

4) Gino's East
The pizza was just plain great.  Four cheese deep dish = 3 inches of solid greasy cheesy magic.  Plus, you could write on the walls.

5) Sleeping without a dog
Wilbur is a bed hog, and sleeping without him all up in my grill was fantastic. That's really all I have to say about that.

6) Museum of Science and History
What a fun place! So many colorful and exciting exhibits!  There was a school fieldtrip while we were there (on a Sunday?!) which kept me from enjoying the hands on exhibits as much as I would've liked, but I still had a great time.  That is, until we went "deep" into a coal mine and the combination of dank smells and "Electric Mule" ride sent me running for the nearest bathroom at a full sprint. Dumb stomach.  Kenny took some lovely pictures of me being weak and nauseous.
Sailing in the ship exhibit

What a clown!

Girl Power!

Look at those guns! (Kenny's, of course.)

He's got the whole world in his hands.

Me being sick and weak towards the end of our adventure.
I like to sit on random floors.

All in all, we had a terrific time, and I'm very grateful to have spent one wonderful year as Mrs. Wright.

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