Oct 25, 2011

Ten Things I Love About Fall

Autumn marks the end of many things: Little League, swimming pools, green leaves, ice cream trucks, and walking barefooted in the grass.  However, it's also an exciting time in the Wright household.  Here are some of our favorite things about the season:

1.  I absolutely ♥ fall decorations.  There's nothing cozier (except Christmas decor!).

2.  Brisk walks through nature on the trails down the street.

3.  This squirrel canister, which is currently housing Kraft caramels (another fall favorite), holds a dear place in my heart.  Squirrel canisters are the go-to gag gift in the Huff family.  (Hence why I received at least five of them from anonymous guests at my bridal shower last year.)  Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay! Shoo!
Thanks, Aunt Linda!

4.  Random scarecrows situated in places that no crow would ever dare venture - like indoors, in front of our television.  Seasonal decorations can be so ironic!

5. Mums! Could any other flower be more hardy and happy?

6.  Breaking out the cozy clothes again, in an attempt to deal with those awkward frigid weeks when I'm too stubborn to turn on the furnace because I'm not yet ready to embrace the cooler temperatures.

7. Wilbur Wright, stealer of slippers.  Who am I kidding? He's what I love about every season!

8. Tea time with Mr. Wright.

Check out this awesome scripture on the inside of our mugs!
(Thanks Uncle Terry and Priscilla!)
9.  Scarves! My neck is way too claustrophobic to be wrapped up in the summer time (even though it's now fashionably acceptable), but as soon as the temps drop, my scarves make their debut.

10.  After a long summer of nothing but humid night air, many strange and exciting things are unveiled by the crisp autumn air.  Take, for instance, last night's spectacle: Aurora Borealis!

1 comment:

  1. Love it Lana! You just made me love fall even more :) Bethany
