Nov 5, 2011

I'm Back... in Spirit!

I have been an epic failure at this blogging thing lately.  And I have a perfectly good explanation: Remember that third surgery that I was concerned about? Well, I had it.  And it was awful! The surgeon cut straight down to my tailbone and left it open to heal naturally.  They kept me in the hospital a day longer than originally anticipated because of bleeding and unshakable nausea – thanks to Kenny, Mom, Mom Wright and Katie, and Aunt Linda for taking shifts at keeping me company during that time.  I know I was a pleasure to be around.

Vicodin and Percoset have been my very good friends this week.  (Sadly, the pills and Wilbur have been my only friends, because Kenny has been working approximately 8 million hours per week.)  But I am happy to report that I’ve had a turnaround!  Last night, as I was getting ready to move from my station on the sofa into the bedroom, the song Bring It to Jesus (thanks for recording that one, Norm Andrews!) began to play on my iPod.  Here are the lyrics:

Anybody got a heart that will not mend?
Are you trying to live a life you can't defend?
Are you in a battle that you just can't win?
Bring it to Jesus

Anybody got a problem they can't solve?
Anybody got a hole in their resolve?
Just remember in His hand the world revolves
Bring it to Jesus

Could this seriously describe me any more thoroughly? (Yes, I do literally have a hole in my resolve. Thanks!)  At the moment that this song came on, I pretty much collapsed to my knees in prayer.  Rather hysterical prayer, I might add.  And I woke up this morning with less pain, no nausea, and with the resolve to heal fully and to give God the glory when my healing is complete.  I can't wait to get back to my friends at Brotherhood and Apostolic Temple (and especially to direct the choir again!), and to resume my role as a productive member of society.  In the meantime, please keep me in your prayers.

And as a fun, slightly-related sidenote, I haven't taken a single pain pill today, and can therefore think.  This was a good thing, because I had a paper due this evening for one of my Master's classes.  Good news: I finished it.  Better news: Wilbur helped.

In the next few days before I'm able to get back to normal life, I'm going to work on doing a quick highlight of the week leading up to my surgery.  It was a fun one!


  1. Good report Lana Dee, thanking God for healing. We wish you were here with the girls!

  2. Lana, so glad to hear that things are getting a little better for you. I saw your post, decided to read it, and surprise, surprise I find my name in here. THANKS!!! Anyhow, It's nice to hear that recording is still blessing people. All the glory to God. Nice to see Wilber looking so stately there at the table. Not sure if he's checking his email or proof reading your papers...whichever it is, it looks like he's lovin the camera. We will pray that you continue to improve and can get back to church and directing the choir again real soon.
    God Bless,
